Before you actually do it on your bangs, best to practice the cut on a piece of paper to get the hang of it.
Another important consideration is the type of scissors you use. You can always trim them shorter if you need to, but growing out a mistake takes a while, so you'll be stuck with too-short bangs if you don't go longer. Cutting vertically will give tons of texture and softens the line to give is a natural look. The first rule of cutting your own curtain bangs is to cut them longer than you think you want them, Glamour reported.
Practice vertical cuttingĮver noticed a hair stylist cutting the ends of your hair vertically before finishing the haircut? That’s called a point cut. You’d also want to style your hair like you usually do before grabbing the shears. To avoid any unwanted disasters, best to cut your hair when it’s completely dry. If you cut them wet, you might end up cutting them too short – and you won’t realize it until it’s dry. Prep your hairĪlways, always cut your bangs when your hair is 100% dry. Beauty A Definitive Guide to Curtain Bangs for All Face Shapes and Hair Textures By Lauren Valenti Photo: Getty Images All products featured on Vogue are independently selected. Next, you’ll need alligator clips and fine-tooth comb. And no, kitchen scissors will not do the job, even though it’s the best! If you want a prim and proper DIY cut, purchase a good pair or shears. You’ll need to get a pair of shears to cut your hair. Tips for cutting bangs Gather the right supplies A post shared by Priyanka have gathered expert tips and ways to get you rocking bangs! All you’ll need to do to master the look perfectly is having the right tools, tons of patience and follow the tutorial below.